Ah, spiders. Either you love or hate them, and today Teagan will be trying her darndest to convince everyone they are deserving of our affection, while Bekah tries to recall every spider she's seen in a movie! Come to learn about spiders, stay for an unhinged Doctor Who rant!
Ah, spiders. Either you love or hate them, and today Teagan will be trying her darndest to convince everyone they are deserving of our affection, while Bekah tries to recall every spider she's seen in a movie! Come to learn about spiders, stay for an unhinged Doctor Who rant!
A jumping spider caught in American Fork Canyon
Some communal tarantulas (M. balfouri) from Teagan's old job
One of Teagan's Hunstman spiders
A net casting spider!
A Daddy-longlegs or Harvestman
The "89" Butterfly
First (mainly) vegetarian spider found
Net-casting Spiders - The Australian Museum
Herbivory in a spider through exploitation of an ant–plant mutualism - ScienceDirect
Arachnid - Respiratory System, Gases, Tracheae | Britannica
The diving bell and the spider
Brown recluse spider - Wikipedia
That spider bite may not be a bite after all!
Venom as Medicine | Arachnophilia - Online exhibitions across Cornell University Library
What we fear most: A developmental advantage for threat-relevant stimuli.
How spiders see the world - The Australian Museum
See the world through a jumping spider’s eyes — and other senses
75 Spider Puns & Jokes To Spin When You Want To Make Everyone LOL
National Geographic Super Spider Documentary
Crazy Monsters: Spiders 🕷️ FULL EPISODE | Smithsonian Channel
8 Legged Killers (Full Episode) | World's Deadliest