Virtual pets! Either you love them or you don't understand them. Join Teagan and Bekah as we explore the world of virtual companions, from early desktop buddies and Tamagotchis to modern apps like Neko Atsume and Pokémon Go, as well as investigating the psychology of bonding with pixels on a screen!
Ah, spiders. Either you love or hate them, and today Teagan will be trying her darndest to convince everyone they are deserving of our affection, while Bekah tries to recall every spider she's seen in a movie! Come to learn about spiders, stay for an unhinged Doctor Who rant!
Fizzy water, pop, lolly water, soda, coke, pepsi...when did this bubbly beverage come into our lives and our hearts?
What is hair? What's it made of? Why do we have so much of it? Why don't chimps have as much? Why is some hair curly? All this and more are answered this month on Be More Specific!
How did humans domesticate cats...or did we? What's so great about these furry friends, and how long have they been man's best "animal that lives in my house I guess"?
Why do humans wear wigs, and when did this particular fashion trend come to be? Come with Teagan and Bekah as they go on a journey through the history of wigs and learn all about these odd hair hats!
Snowmen! They're everywhere, even if there isn't snow around! Join Teagan & Bekah as they talk about our snow friends and their origins! Also, we announce A Winter Giveaway from now to January 30th 2023! Rate us on iTunes, follow us on Instagram or Facebook, post a photo of your favorite …
Content Warnings in this episode for mention of torture, horror, and discussions related to darker topics. Ah, the air is crisp, and the spooks are about! It's Haunted House season, but where did these sometimes delightful (and sometimes horrifying) attractions come from?
What is a louse? What can lice tell us about ourselves? Does Teagan have them? (Spoiler: she didn't!) Answers to these queries and more will be answered in this episode of Be More Specific! Sources, images, and notes can be found at :)
Why do we sweat and shiver? Turns out keeping your body running is way more difficult than you might imagine. Teagan answers all of our burning (get it?) questions about thermoregulation!
What goes into that oh so delicious brown stuff? Why do people like it so much? How long has it been around? Get yourself a little treat, and settle in for this episode- all about Chocolate! Recommended Reading, but TW:
Why be smelly? How long have humans applied smelly water to themselves? What's the weirdest scent? How can you buy the best perfume for you? Teagan and Bekah answer all these questions and MORE in this particularly fragrant episode!
What are tongues? How did we get them? How do animals use them? How much does Bekah hate them? (A lot).
Come with Teagan and Bekah as they discuss the history and deliciousness of various winter treats! Gingerbread, Fruitcake, and much more! Spoiler alert: These treats are OLD OLD.
What makes us hiccup? Why does Anna hiccup so much? Will you review us on iTunes? Follow us on Instagram!! @bemorespecificpod Sources: ht...